» You, him or her

Hugging, cuddling, kissing, and just be together
That's kinda amazing right? 
Being with the one you love
Laughing, telling secrets, looking at each other secretly
That's what you want or have 

- If you already have it -
Then try not to screw it
If you argue, talk with each other
Try work it out like a real married couple...or just couples
 And the most important thing
You are with the one you love
The one you want to share everything with 
Want to talk to when you're in trouble 
Knowing you trust each other
Have each others backs 
That my friends, you don't want to lose
for some kind of stupid argument 
jealousy or missunderstandings
- If you want it -
Just be patient then, there will be/is someone 
out there that you might not even know about
Waiting for the right moment
to Confess his or her love to you

But if the other one doesn't make the first step
You can
It's not wrong wether your a boy or a girl that makes the first step
What matters is that you do something you don't want to regret later on
If the other person says yes
then you will feel like your the happiest girl/boy in the world
And that you are glad you did it
But if the other person says no
Don't be sad
Think this instead...
She/he was honest
If she had said yes out of pity 
That doesn't mean she/he likes me
That just means he/she feels bad about me
Yes, It might be hard hearing something you don't want to hear 
But what the heck
You are y/n , suck it up
You are STRONG
and you KNOW it! 

And there are more important things you know
You gotta 
have faith
just be yourself
Just that my friend is
                                                                    - Celine.B

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